Responsible Use of Drones
Our ambition is to contribute to an increase of the public awareness towards a responsible use of drones by the professionals and laymen alike. For this purpose, we not only share information about applicable regulations and responsibilities of the concerned parties, but we also provide drone users with free SW application for planning and management of drone flights.
Unification of Drone Community
We, at Mám Dron, have long recognized that the responsible use of airspace cannot be pushed ahead unless this big challenge has been adopted by all airspace users. Therefore, one of our priorities is to establish a platform that would integrate various organizations grouping natural and/or legal persons engaged in drone flying "under one roof". Such an integrated community can benefit from an ease of information sharing between drone users, professional support in formulating and/or updating drone rules and regulations, or enforcement of drone economy development.
Support to U-Space initiative
As we can see a great economic potential and market opportunities of drone technology, whether for commercial or recreational purposes, we do our best to support the responsible use of drones by organizing educational activities together with our partners aimed at safe and secure integration of drone operations in the Slovak urban areas and countryside. For this purpose, we would be pleased to share our knowledge, experience and know-how in creating laws enabling U-SPACE services through a professional consultancy to our state and local governmental authorities.
Source: MamDron