FUERGY is a Slovak technology company and a leader in smart energy solutions in the V4 countries. For the purpose of its energy optimization, it has developed its own modular battery system and software platform powered by artificial intelligence, which meets the special needs of energy management. From smart battery storage systems and maximized utilization of renewable energy sources, to the regulation of energy-intensive technologies or full package energy management, FUERGY offers complex, scalable solutions with the guarantee of unrivalled savings on energy costs. These are delivered to customers on a turnkey basis or "as a service" – i.e. without the need to buy their own green technologies. The company was founded in 2018 by energy experts with the aim of changing the way people use and share electricity and thus accelerate the transition to energy decentralization with a high share of renewables.

Source: FUERGY



FUERGY will present an exclusive insight into the core of its solutions – a special software built on its own software development platform mosAIc which allows it to manage electricity production and consumption in a fully automated online mode, generate maximum financial savings and prevent unnecessary energy losses. Expo visitors will have the opportunity to see the live performance of the smart energy regulation, as well as to explore what data the system monitors and what variables it takes into account in its decision-making. FUERGY will also showcase a proprietary hardware device – FUERGY Control unit, which is an integral part of every smart battery storage system brAIn and serves as the communication interface between the FUERGY software and the batteries. Thanks to this device, the batteries operate in an optimal mode ensuring the 100-percent capacity utilization and long battery life.